First Grade
We will be covering the following topics during the year:
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
Islamic Studies:
- Extend the counting sequence to 120
- Read and write numerals to 120
- Represent and solve addition and subtraction problems
- Work with addition and subtraction equations
- Fluently add/subtract within 20 (two-digits)
- Learning and using various addition and subtraction strategies
- Word problems
- Compare numbers up to 100
- Place value up to 100
- Measurement – Compare and order by length, Use nonstandard units for objects
- Tell and write time to the hour and half hour using digital and analog clocks
- Graphs – Interpret can create picture graphs, bar graphs, and tally charts
- Reason with two and three-dimensional shapes and their attributes
- Two and Three-Dimensional Shapes – Combine, make new, and take apart
- Two-dimensional Shapes – Combine, make new, and take apart
- Fractions: Equal Parts – halves and fourths
- Money: Coins – names, values, compare, and add/subtract
Language Arts:
- Daily 5
- Review: Blending and segmenting CVC words (Short vowels)
- Blending and segmenting CCVC and CVCC words (beginning and ending consonant blends)
- Blending and segmenting CVCE words (Long vowels)
- Digraphs, Diphthongs, R-Controlled Vowels, Soft C, Soft G, Silent Letters
- Vowel Teams
- Understand new vocabulary words and use them correctly while reading and writing.
- Find the main idea and details
- Summarize
- Understand the character(s)
- Infer/predict
- Sequence of events
- Text and graphic features
- Author’s purpose (PIE)
- Retell the story
- Ask and answer questions about a story
- Story structure (beginning, middle, and end)
- Weekly/daily writing
- Opinion, informative, narrative pieces
- Plants
- Animals
- Light Waves
- Sound Waves
- Earth’s Place in the Universe
- Engineering Design
Social Studies:
- My School, My Community
- Work in the Community
- Looking at Our World
- Traditions We Share
- Our Past, Our Present
Islamic Studies:
- Allah is our Rabb
- Islam is our religion
- Qur’an is our Holy Book
- Muhammad SAW is our Prophet
- The five pillars are our path
- Some Prophets
- Ramadan and Eid
- As-Sahabah, Companions of the Prophet
- Allah loves us and we love Allah